Austin High College & Career Center, Room 264
Brandie Cleaver, Advisor
CHECK NAVIANCE AND YOUR EMAIL for the latest updates from Ms. Cleaver. Follow the College & Career Center on Instagram for news and links.
Have questions about college applications? Don’t forget to read this FAQ FIRST!
Have you read the FAQ and need to meet with Ms. Cleaver? Fill out the meeting worksheet. Then, email Ms. Cleaver to request a meeting or come by room 264 (left of the library) during FIT or advisory.
Graduation requirements: All seniors must pass EOC and TSI testing! See your counselor if you are unsure if you have passed these graduation requirements.
Senior Meetings: Ms. Johnson will host a monthly meeting during FIT for senior students to make sure everyone has current information about all the upcoming senior events and activities, including prom and graduation. All seniors should attend! Check your email for reminders!
Seniors, DO NOT WAIT until the deadline date to submit your college applications. Counselors cannot send your transcript, recommendation letters, or supporting documents until you submit your applications and mark them as complete in Naviance. The earlier you submit, the sooner we can send your transcript and letters. Questions? See Ms. Cleaver.
Verify your name for graduation! If they haven't already, seniors need to go the second-floor main office and speak with the registrar assigned to their alpha to pick up their verification form. All forms must be signed and returned to registrars by Friday, February 14th.
College Financial Aid: In order for students to apply for scholarships, they must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The first step is setting up your FSA ID by following the steps on the QR code below and rounding up needed documents.
Austin High will host a FAFSA workshop on February 11 at 5:30 p.m. in the AHS Library.
AHS families can participate in ANY of the upcoming financial aid workshops scheduled in the area. To find an event and/or register, visit this link: Red Kite.
FAFSA Support: ACC virtual financial aid office at is open Monday - Thursday from 9AM - 4PM and 9AM - noon Friday. Students can join a Zoom session anytime to get one-on-one help with the FAFSA (or TASFA) or get answers to their questions.
Check out Ms. Cleaver’s long list of scholarships!
College Acceptance & Scholarship Tracker: Seniors, please enter all college acceptances in the 2025 Acceptance & Scholarship Tracker. The information gathered in this form will be printed and inserted in the 2025 Graduation Program so we can celebrate your accomplishments! Students should list all merit and scholarship monies offered to them, NOT just the college you will attend. Also enter acceptances into Naviance. Please see or email Ms. Cleaver with questions.
Brandie Cleaver, Advisor
CHECK NAVIANCE AND YOUR EMAIL for the latest updates from Ms. Cleaver. Follow the College & Career Center on Instagram for news and links.
Have questions about college applications? Don’t forget to read this FAQ FIRST!
Have you read the FAQ and need to meet with Ms. Cleaver? Fill out the meeting worksheet. Then, email Ms. Cleaver to request a meeting or come by room 264 (left of the library) during FIT or advisory.
Graduation requirements: All seniors must pass EOC and TSI testing! See your counselor if you are unsure if you have passed these graduation requirements.
Senior Meetings: Ms. Johnson will host a monthly meeting during FIT for senior students to make sure everyone has current information about all the upcoming senior events and activities, including prom and graduation. All seniors should attend! Check your email for reminders!
Seniors, DO NOT WAIT until the deadline date to submit your college applications. Counselors cannot send your transcript, recommendation letters, or supporting documents until you submit your applications and mark them as complete in Naviance. The earlier you submit, the sooner we can send your transcript and letters. Questions? See Ms. Cleaver.
Verify your name for graduation! If they haven't already, seniors need to go the second-floor main office and speak with the registrar assigned to their alpha to pick up their verification form. All forms must be signed and returned to registrars by Friday, February 14th.
College Financial Aid: In order for students to apply for scholarships, they must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The first step is setting up your FSA ID by following the steps on the QR code below and rounding up needed documents.
Austin High will host a FAFSA workshop on February 11 at 5:30 p.m. in the AHS Library.
AHS families can participate in ANY of the upcoming financial aid workshops scheduled in the area. To find an event and/or register, visit this link: Red Kite.
FAFSA Support: ACC virtual financial aid office at is open Monday - Thursday from 9AM - 4PM and 9AM - noon Friday. Students can join a Zoom session anytime to get one-on-one help with the FAFSA (or TASFA) or get answers to their questions.
Check out Ms. Cleaver’s long list of scholarships!
College Acceptance & Scholarship Tracker: Seniors, please enter all college acceptances in the 2025 Acceptance & Scholarship Tracker. The information gathered in this form will be printed and inserted in the 2025 Graduation Program so we can celebrate your accomplishments! Students should list all merit and scholarship monies offered to them, NOT just the college you will attend. Also enter acceptances into Naviance. Please see or email Ms. Cleaver with questions.